Francis Bacon, the Illuminati and the King James Bible

Sir Francis Bacon the editor of the King James Bible was a member of illuminati. I’ll like to state however that Bacon was never in the 54 selected King James bible scholarship committee nor was he among the 51 (some people say they were 47 but they were 51) who actually participated in the translation. The translators had finished their text in 1610 before Bacon took possession of it for one year before the print in 1611. He did not edit the text because six English translations were already in existence and the King James Bible Translators were all alive and would immediately recognize any addition. But the intention of King James (yes he was involved) and Francis Bacon was never to edit the text but to insert rosicrucian symbols into the Bible. When the King James Bible was published in 1611, the puritans immediately rejected it with a terse “wicked …. Bible from that wicked King!” The natural question that would result from my post would be “what were King James and Francis Bacon trying to achieve with this? Two things: 1. Popularization the new Elizabethan English with the common people. For this, two special tools were employed. The Bible and Entertainment. For entertainment it was Shakespearean plays. (By the way, most of Shakespeare’s plays and poems were actually written by Bacon). 2. The circulation of the Luciferean symbols (it is known that symbols attracted ‘spirits’ which they felt would provide access to the people. In all of these, the Sovereignty of God and His providence stood clear resulting in the rejection by Pilgrim and Puritan leaders immediately and even Anglican Bishops of the published bible until all the symbols were completely removed and a new edition was published in 1650. The bible verses that stand out in all of these are: Gen 50:20 But as for you, ye thought evil against me; but God meant it unto good, to bring to pass, as it is this day, to save much people alive. Ps 12:6-7 The words of the LORD are pure words: as silver tried in a furnace of earth, purified seven times. 7 Thou shalt keep them, O LORD, thou shalt preserve them from this generation for ever.

15 thoughts on “Francis Bacon, the Illuminati and the King James Bible

  1. Thank you for posting this. it would clear the fog surrounding the Francis Bacon’s connection to our beloved King James Bible.

  2. Is this the reason for the recruitment of Brooke Foss Westcott and Fenton John Anthony Hort to resume what Bacon failed to achieve about 170 years earlier?

  3. Actually Francis Bacon was a premier scholar, and by all accounts a man who studied the Bible deeply. If he was a Freemason or and Illuminati, that even adds more interest to his character. Both of these organizations had, and still have, a deep respect for research, and “enlightenment”. Most scholars agree that the Bible language as written for the 1611 version was exceptional and very similar to that of Shakespear. That is interesting, because Francis Bacon is believed by many,, to have been the Shakespear that ugraded British literature. Finally a bit of background on Shakespear, the name. It originated from Athenia, a statue off of the coast of Greece, who stood holding a flame in one hand and was shade

  4. Athenia was said to be so frightening to sailers, that their “spears would shake”. Now Athenia, was actually the symbol of Isis, of Ancient Egypt, who held a torch or flame high as she sought her lover, one night. This symbol is also atop the US Capital Building, and is also the image and symbol of the Statue of Liberty. All known by historians to be the symbol of “light” to bring “unity” and “enlightenment” to the world. Religious leaders throughout history have recommended that we seek the “light”. Christ said “I am the light”, Buddha encouraged “Seek enlightenment”, the Hindu and Zoroastrians, all believed the “light” was worthy of worship.

  5. My brother I commend you on your blog, and this is a subject that I am very interested in getting to the truth of however; I was taught by the Most Honorable Yahweh Ben Yahweh, Study Mean’s to: 1. Research ‘ALL THE FACTS’ about a thing, 2. Seek to understand the nature of that thing. 3. Learn to apply all of that information to better yourself individually and our Nation (The Nation of Yahweh) as a whole. In your blog I don’t see any references to back up what your are saying and the whole purpose of studying is tho get to the facts/truth and be able to prove what you are saying. Otherwise, I have to just believe what you are blogging and I can’t do that understanding what I have shared above. I was researching your subject and that’s how I came across your blog, and I will continue to do my research on this matter and you keep on your journey and maybe next time I come across your blog my soul will be delighted and satisfied.

    Much Love My Brother,

    Shelomoh Ezra Yisrael

  6. But he did alter or encode the text. In Genesis 3:7 Adam & Eve made for themselves “aprons” after their eyes were opened or illumined. This Hebrew word ḥǎḡô·rā is used six times in the scripture but only here is it translated as apron. It is a poor choice for the Hebrew. It is said they made aprons to cover their nakedness but aprons are worn on the outside of clothing. The connection? When an initiate is received into the Freemasons he is illumined and given his first apron which can be seen by doing a simple internet search. Just as Adam & Eves eyes were opened by the serpent so too are the eyes of the newly initiated freemason.

    In Psalm 46 the 46th word from the beginning is “shake” and the 46 word from the end is “spear.” The Hebrew text had to be manipulated to accomplish this.

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